


xo, hope

This corner of the website is very important to our owner and founder Hope, as blogging was a huge stepping stone to where she is today. Enjoy our various content about social media, entrepreneurship, and more personal topics from hope.

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I’m one of those people that thinks everyone has a creative bone on their body. There’s right-brained thinkers and left-brained thinkers, but creativity is something that YOU create for yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s black and white or bursting with color. No matter what your personality type is, you can benefit from creativity and […]

lifestyle, marketing

January 6, 2018

7 ways to inspire creativity in your life

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Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that some aspect of one’s own appearance is severely flawed and warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it.


March 9, 2017

Body Dysmorphia Is Real

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Whether it’s a slight smile as you walk by a stranger, waving hello to someone across the room, or just making light conversation with the person checking your items at the grocery store – it makes for a more friendly, positive, and peaceful world.


January 28, 2017

Let’s Make This World a Brighter Place

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Maybe it’s because I’m a 23-year-old girl living in a media-obsessed world. Maybe it’s because I see how common it is to have low self-esteem and low confidence. Maybe it’s because I dream about being a mom who raises a daughter of my own someday. This has been heavy on my heart lately:


December 8, 2016

Dear Moms With Daughters,

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