Ahh… a topic that’s so heavy on my heart to write about more often. Everywhere you look, there are messages that target your weight, health (mental and physical), and appearance. Food labels: Fat-free, sugar-free, GMO-free, no hormones, no antibiotics, gluten-free, etc. Women’s “health” magazines: “Flat tummy in 10 days!”, “Lose 7 lbs this week!”, “Eat […]
April 18, 2018
The best fitness advice I have ever gotten was, “Keep it simple, stupid”. The more complicated your health and fitness routine is, the less maintainable it will be. Find what works for you, and don’t compare it to anyone else. Here’s some Frequently Asked Questions; with hopefully, some enlightening and refreshing answers.
August 25, 2016
I used to think that my “fitness story” wasn’t worthy of telling because I don’t have a drastic transformation story. I haven’t lost 30 lbs or cut body fat by 10%. However, with more time that goes by, the more I realize that there are a lot of girls (and guys) that can relate […]
August 12, 2016