Whether you’re looking for a social media manager for your company, your small business, or your own platform, finding one that works for you is NO small task. In fact, it can be so daunting that many entrepreneurs put it off until they are drowning in online to-dos – creating extra work and stress for […]
November 9, 2020
Confidence isn’t something you’re magically blessed with. It’s something that you have to BUILD over time. I’ve personally struggled with confidence especially in the past couple of years as I’ve been stepping outside of my comfort zone more and more…and more. Here’s what I’ve learned during this journey of building confidence: You will build confidence […]
September 2, 2020
Don’t get me wrong: it’s GREAT to be focused on increasing your engagement and your audience size in order to share your message with MORE people. But, if you’re constantly worried about your number of followers, if you’re thinking about how many people AREN’T engaging with your content, and if you’re comparing yourself to others… […]
August 20, 2020
Well, I’m officially the blondest I’ve ever been. Last week, I had my naturally-dark brunette hair bleached for the 5th time in the past year. Without the proper care, high-quality products, expertise from hair stylists, and PATIENCE (key), I never would have been able to achieve this color and maintain super healthy hair. So, how’d […]
July 13, 2020