If you read this title and skeptically opened this blog post, I just want you to know this is coming from someone who used to sleep in until 11:30 whenever possible. These tips may not be earth-shattering or surprising in any way, but they worked for me. I hope they work for you, too!
February 20, 2017
Being asked to be a part of a wedding is a huge honor. But being asked to be a bridesmaid in a Hawaiian wedding is on a whole different level. When Chelbie asked me to stand by her side to marry her high school sweetheart, I was over the moon.
February 4, 2017
I know review blogs aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I happen to LOVE reading them. I thought I would share some of my favorite things I started using in January.
February 4, 2017
Whether it’s a slight smile as you walk by a stranger, waving hello to someone across the room, or just making light conversation with the person checking your items at the grocery store – it makes for a more friendly, positive, and peaceful world.
January 28, 2017