ATTN: Distributors of Monat, ItWorks, Rodan and Fields, AdvoCare, Arbonne, Scentsy, Plexus, etc…. Whether you’re just starting in multilevel marketing or you’ve been doing it for years, I want to offer you some advice as a marketer and a consumer. First of all, I support people who get involved with these companies no matter how […]
June 13, 2018
No matter what you do, chances are, there are lots of other people who do similar work as you. Your customers have a ton of choices. What makes them choose you, instead of one of your competitors down the street, comes down to trust. Here are a few simple ways to gain trust with your […]
May 10, 2018
Ahh… a topic that’s so heavy on my heart to write about more often. Everywhere you look, there are messages that target your weight, health (mental and physical), and appearance. Food labels: Fat-free, sugar-free, GMO-free, no hormones, no antibiotics, gluten-free, etc. Women’s “health” magazines: “Flat tummy in 10 days!”, “Lose 7 lbs this week!”, “Eat […]
April 18, 2018
Two weekends ago, the fam made the trek to St. Louis to meet my sister, Damaris, and celebrate her 27th birthday. St. Louis is the perfect half-way spot between northern Illinois and northern Mississippi, where Damaris lives. We had so much fun, and it was an easy drive for both of us. I foresee many […]
April 4, 2018