


xo, hope

This corner of the website is very important to our owner and founder Hope, as blogging was a huge stepping stone to where she is today. Enjoy our various content about social media, entrepreneurship, and more personal topics from hope.

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Every week, it seems like a new person on my timeline is announcing they’re getting involved with a multilevel marketing business, branching off on their own, creating their own online business, or starting a small side gig for extra cash. Though we’ve always been taught to get a stable job after college, typically a 9-5 […]


January 1, 2018

The future of freelancing

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As of December 12th, you can now follow specific hashtags on Instagram. I always get excited whenever I discover a new Instagram #girlboss, fashion blogger, or artsy business that inspires me, so I’m excited that this feature will make that a whole lot easier. It’s also just another way that your brand can be discovered […]


December 21, 2017

Just another way to grow your business with Instagram

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Yesterday, Facebook announced how they REALLY feel about posts that specifically ask for engagement (likes, comments, and shares). They’re coining this tactic “engagement bait” and if you’re an avid Facebook user, you’ve seen this all over your news feed.


December 20, 2017

Facebook says goodbye to engagement bait

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If you use Instagram for your business, chances are, you’ve probably experimented with Instagram Stories. If not, you should be! This Snapchat-like feature allows you to tie moments of your day into a slideshow format. You can add text, stickers, emoji’s, filters, and more to your Instagram Stories. The photos and videos disappear after 24 […]


December 18, 2017

Instagram’s exciting new feature: Highlights and Archives

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