July 7, 2022
July is here! Many of our clients are in full swing with the busyness of wedding season! July is the heart of summer, and it brings so many fun activities to share on your social media pages. While Instagram has been undergoing lots of changes lately (and glitches), the summer brings so many fun activities to allow you to document and connect with your audience. So don’t be discouraged with Instagram mishaps or low engagement right now… Do your best to stay consistent! Through wedding season, boating season, patio season, cookouts, outdoor workouts, and more… keep it light and fun on your social media pages during this time. Here are some ideas for you to use in July!
July is…
National Ice Cream Month
National Make a Difference to Children Month
July 2nd is Made in the USA Day
July 4th is Fourth of July
July 8th is Be a Kid Again Day
July 11th is All American Pet Photo Day
July 17th is National Ice Cream Day
July 17th is World Emoji Day
July 20th is International Chess Day
July 24th is Tequila Day
July 24th is Tell an Old Joke Day
July 25th is Hire a Veteran Day
July 25th is Wine and Cheese Day
July 30th is Share a Hug Day
As always, ONLY use these national days and content ideas if you can come up with something that’s completely true and relevant to your brand. Before using one of these national days, ask yourself, “Why does my business/brand care about this holiday?”. If you can’t answer that clearly, then skip it! It’s so important to have a personal brand tie-in to every piece of content you share.
Looking for some more evergreen (share anytime – not just in July!) social media content ideas? These are some easy ones you can always fall back on:
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