We’ve alllll fallen into the trap of worrying about how many “followers” we have on our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, blog, etc. While it’s a good number to keep track of, it’s not the most important one. The metric that you should pay more attention to is your engagement. Specifically, I recommend tracking your engagement rate! […]
March 14, 2019
To “create” means to bring something into existence. In the content creation world, this means taking your OWN photos, writing your OWN content, making your OWN videos, creating your OWN designs, etc. To “curate” content means to find, source, organize, and share someone else’s content on a relevant topic. A few examples:– A hair salon […]
January 9, 2019
TONS of influencers and marketers preach the importance of having an email list. This is one of those things I always *knew* I should be focused on, but it always seemed to be at the bottom of my to-do list. Well, all of the sudden, it hit me. If I ever lost any of my […]
December 22, 2018
A few months ago, as I started sharing more about my business on Instagram, I started a little series called “Instagram Bio Audits”. I asked people to comment on a post or send me a DM if they would like help creating an Instagram Bio that would pass the “5-second test”. In other words, I […]
September 18, 2018