


xo, hope

This corner of the website is very important to our owner and founder Hope, as blogging was a huge stepping stone to where she is today. Enjoy our various content about social media, entrepreneurship, and more personal topics from hope.

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  You could say that last year was an unbelievable year of travel for me. If you missed my blog post on the Hawaii trip, check it out here. Last year I also had the privilege to visit Grand Cayman with two of my aunts and sister. My aunts visit this beautiful island frequently, but it […]


May 11, 2017

Adventures in The Cayman Islands

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My parents got me started in club volleyball at the young age of 8. I started playing with taller, stronger, older, and more experienced girls than myself, and was constantly in a state of challenge. Entering the competitive and demanding world of club volleyball at only 8 years old, gave me a reason to ALWAYS […]


April 17, 2017

How Sports Carried Over Into My Professional Life

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  Somehow, I survived 4 trips to Chicago in one month. It was mostly work, and not a lot of play. But luckily, my job is pretty dang fun.


March 30, 2017

March Adventures: Chicago

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Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that some aspect of one’s own appearance is severely flawed and warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it.


March 9, 2017

Body Dysmorphia Is Real

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