TONS of influencers and marketers preach the importance of having an email list. This is one of those things I always *knew* I should be focused on, but it always seemed to be at the bottom of my to-do list. Well, all of the sudden, it hit me. If I ever lost any of my […]
December 22, 2018
I’ve gotten so many questions about how I edit my Instagram photos! This kind of makes me laugh because I don’t spend a lot of time or effort editing my photos. The main reason why I edit them AT ALL is because I want to achieve a cohesive look for my brand – which is […]
November 28, 2018
Today, Saturday, November 30th, is Small Business Saturday! This is always held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and it’s smack-dab in the middle of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which both heavily feature big-box retailers and e-commerce stores. Read all about the background of Small Business Saturday here. Growing up in a small town and […]
November 24, 2018
Any time you talk about money you run the risk of offending people, having your financial situation compared to someone else’s, blah blah blah. š So, with that being said, let’s get a few disclaimers out there. I realize that having about $30,000 in student loans is minusculeĀ compared to what others may have. I also […]
October 24, 2018